1. Halloween - Duh! If you dont know this by now then you're a jabroni.
2. Fourth of July - Fire + Fire = AWESOME
And number C.
April Fool's Day.
The history of this day dates back to 1429 when a court jester in Spain set out 1 day of the year to fool every person he saw as he was working for the King of Spain at that time. The Queen (who happened to be named April) loved his idea so much that she declared the day, April Fool's Day and from then on, they celebrated with pranks and jokes as a way to take their mind off of the current stresses of life.
That was completely made up.
I freakin love this day (said in my Jersey Shore Deena voice). It's a freakin blast (see previous). Some of my favorite pranks in the past were telling everybody to text Jody because he was going in for an emergency appendectemy... Or telling my co-workers at Spring Creek that I was in the hospital and wasnt gonna make it to work.
This year was different. I had to top everything that I have ever done before. And I believe I did.
My highlight - The Tattoo of Death.
Rumor has it, that if you get a tattoo of your spouse somewhere on your body, it is bad luck. So I talked to Cody over at Bonehead Tattoo and asked him to help me out. We put a stencil of the name "Lindsay" on my forearm, from the elbow to the wrist, then added a little black and red ink for extra effect.

In the end, I told her it was fake, and she was relieved. I did ruin her day though. Oops.
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