Saturday, September 25, 2010

My TV Rundown.

I watched the premiere of "The Event" Monday night, and quite frankly, I'm confused. But the DVR is set for the season so hopefully questions will be answered and I will find out what The Event really is. I hope all the drama, in the end, leads up to the new trailer for Pee-Wee's Big Adventure.

A lot of people hate on this show, but I, Ricky Mufasa Brutus Cold-Blooded Lynn Wright Jr. am a self-proclaimed Gleek. I wish I could sing, just so I could be on this show. I will say, Brittany is my favorite character on the show, because she is so dumb (As Antoine Dodson would say), and because I know in real life she danced with Beyonce.

Just finished the Pilot episode of Outsourced. It was decent, but I think there is a lot of potential there for a very, very funny show. I hope they push the limit way more as the season moves forward.
(I have no idea where that comment came from, but I felt like I got sucked into a televison critics body and started goin at it).

I dont know why I didn't start watching this show sooner, but it is HIGHlarious. If you are a fantasy football guru, you need to be watching The League.
On another note, I really need my NFL Fantasy team to put in work this weekend. I need Andre Johnson ankle to break, Jahvid Best to have a really bad asthma attack, and Aaron Rodgers to get a bad case of food poisoning.

Best show on televison. Period. 

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