Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Love long weekends and random thoughts.

So this weekend was exciting.

I played a football tourney. Due to my pride, I will not discuss the results of that day.

2 words - Brock Lesner

When I came out of the fireworks stand Sunday afternoon, I looked like I was going to start a small war. It was grand. I also discovered (by accident) that if you put fireworks into the artillery shell thing upside down, the boom goes outward, and not up.

My dad also discovered this and purposely put them in backwards, because the boom was louder that way.

I think its hilarious when im walking down the hall to deliver a package, and as I pass peoples desks, they all minimize their facebooks and act like they are working. I just want to tell them "Dont worry, its just me and not your boss. You can go back to poking people and playing scrabble".

Because of one of my favorite shows Burn Notice, every time I drive past an abandoned warehouse, I cant help but to think that there are spies, or bad people in there doing bad things.

I know that stuff is goin on in there. They dont make tv shows and movies based on ideas. They come from real live events.

The moral of this story is: I dont know if there is one. Im ready for this weekend though.  

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